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Hong Kong and Malaysia: A Poetics of Relation 香港與馬來西亞:關係的詩學
Date & Time

Selected Sessions:

Sep 9, 2021 09:30 AM

09.09.2021 (Thursday), 5:30pm (Hong Kong, UTC+8) Language: English with simultaneous interpretation into Cantonese Hong Kong-based scholar and poet Nicholas Y. H. Wong shares the significance behind the historical exchanges between Hong Kong and various regions of Malaysia in literature, culture and economy. Case studies from writers such as Liu Yichang, Eileen Chang, Xi Xi and others will serve to reveal broader topics, including the languages of ports and sea-bound cultures, market exchanges, education systems and colonial administration. The session will conclude with a Q&A session. 09.09.2021(星期四),下午 5時30 分(香港,UTC+8) 語言:英語及粵語即時傳譯 香港學者與詩人王學權,將與大家探討香港與馬來西亞各地在文學、文化和經濟的歷史交流背後的種種意義。從文學家劉以鬯、張愛玲和西西的作品中擷取例子,涵蓋議題包括港口語言和環海文化、市場交易、教育系統以至殖民政權。研討會將以問答環節作結。 >>> CHAT Meets is an ongoing series of talks inviting curators, artists and academics to contextualise works on view from multiple perspectives. The inaugural instalment examines the creative contexts and diverse practices of artist Yee I-Lann. The talk series take places during the exhibition Yee I-Lann: Until We Hug Again (01.09-07.11.2021). For more information on each individual talk, please refer to: 「CHAT見聞」乃定期舉辦的講座系列,邀請策展人、藝術家和學者從多角度分析當季展覽的創作脈絡。是次講座系列將探討于一蘭作品的創作脈絡及藝術實踐。 一系列的講座將於展覽「于一蘭:直到我們再度相擁」(01.09-07.11.2021)期間進行,詳情請參考: