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Activating the Tikar: Reimagining Politics and Economics 掀動織墊:重塑政治與經濟
Date & Time
Selected Sessions:
Sep 16, 2021 09:30 AM
16.09.2021 (Thursday), 5:30pm (Hong Kong, UTC+8)
Language: English
Beverly Yong, Director of RogueArt in Kuala Lumpur, examines how ideas and effects are brought together in the socially engaged practices of Yee I-Lann. Using the tikar mat as an example, Yong will demonstrate how Yee’s collaborative methodologies have resulted in the empowerment of women and communities, elevation and ownership of local cultural heritage, as well as positive economic and environmental impacts. The session will be concluded with a Q&A session.
16.09.2021(星期四),下午5時30 分(香港,UTC+8)
CHAT Meets is an ongoing series of talks inviting curators, artists and academics to contextualise works on view from multiple perspectives. The inaugural instalment examines the creative contexts and diverse practices of artist Yee I-Lann.
The talk series take places during the exhibition Yee I-Lann: Until We Hug Again (01.09-07.11.2021). For more information on each individual talk, please refer to: